Class ImporterPDFX

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DRIModule, gate.creole.ANNIEConstants, gate.Executable, gate.LanguageAnalyser, gate.ProcessingResource, gate.Resource, gate.util.FeatureBearer, gate.util.NameBearer, Serializable

    @CreoleResource(name="DRI Modules - PDFX importer")
    public class ImporterPDFX
    extends ImporterBase
    From the XML mark-up generated by PDFX, this processing resource identifies all the textual contents, split their sentences by exploiting a customized REGEXP Sentence Splitter of ANNIE
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImporterPDFX

        public ImporterPDFX()
    • Method Detail

      • getInputSentenceASname

        public String getInputSentenceASname()
      • setInputSentenceASname

                         comment="The name of the input annotation set to read sentence annotations from (sentence annotations previously added by sentence splitter execution)")
        public void setInputSentenceASname​(String inputSentenceASname)
      • getInputSentenceAStype

        public String getInputSentenceAStype()
      • setInputSentenceAStype

                         comment="The name of the input annotation type to read sentence annotations (sentence annotations previously added by sentence splitter execution)")
        public void setInputSentenceAStype​(String inputSentenceAStype)
      • execute

        public void execute()
                     throws gate.creole.ExecutionException
        Specified by:
        execute in interface gate.Executable
        execute in class gate.creole.AbstractProcessingResource
      • resetAnnotations

        public boolean resetAnnotations()
        Description copied from interface: DRIModule
        Delete the annotations provided by a module