AnnotationPositionInDocumentC |
Get a Double from 0 to 100 that reflects the position of the annotation (central offset ID) with respect to the whole document.
AnnotationPositionInSectionC |
Get a Double from 0 to 100 that reflects the position of the annotation (central offset ID) with respect to the section the sentence belongs to.
AnnotationTextC |
Get the text of the annotation.
AnnotatorAgreementC |
Get the agreement type of the specific kind of annotaiton.
ContainSubjectivityCueC |
Check if the text contains any subjectivity cue
ContainTextInListC |
Match the words in the annotation against a list provided by the constructor and return the number of words of the list matched
ContainWordsInListC |
Match the words in the annotation against a list provided by the constructor and return the number of tokens that matched one word in the list
DERIV_CITSprevNextSentencesC |
Retrieve if the main verb of the sentence is active or passive
DERIV_ContainTextInList_AL_negC |
Match the words in the annotation against a list provided by the constructor and return the number of words of the list matched
DERIV_PassiveModalTenseC |
Retrieve if the main verb of the sentence is active or passive
DERIV_RelativePositionOfFirstMatchOfAnnotationNominalC |
Get the sentence relative position of the first match of a certain annotation
DERIV_RelativePositionOfFirstMatchOfWordsInListC |
Get the sentence relative position of the first match of the words in the annotation
against a list of words provided by the constructor
DERIV_SentLengthNominalC |
Get the number of intersecting annotations from a given annotation set, of a given type and eventyally evin a specific feature with a specific String value.
DERIV_TFIDFsimilarityC |
Retrieve if the main verb of the sentence is active or passive
DocumentIdentifierC |
Get the name of the document (or a random integer if no name can be retrieved)
DocumentSectionIdentifierC |
Get the id and title of the document section that contains the sentence.
DocumentSectionPositionC |
Get the order number of the sentence inside the document.
DocumentSentenceIdentifierC |
Get the order number of the sentence inside the document (the number 1 is assigned to the first sentence of the abstract).
FeatureValueOfFirstFilteredMatchC |
Get a feature value of the feature with name equal to featureName of the first annotation that matches
the filters (name, filterName, filterValue and filterStartsWith) of the annotation
InstanceWeightGetterC |
Get the name of the document (or a random integer if no name can be retrieved)
IntersectingAnnotationBooleanCountC |
Get the number of intersecting annotations from a given annotation set, of a given type and if feature name is not null, with a given value for a boolean feature
IntersectingAnnotationStringCountC |
Get the number of intersecting annotations from a given annotation set, of a given type and eventyally evin a specific feature with a specific String value.
IntersectingAnnotationTextC |
Get the text of intersecting annotations (separated by a space) from a given annotation set, of a given type
and eventually in a specific feature with a specific String value.
IntersectingGroupsOfCitationCountC |
Get the number of intersecting annotations from a given annotation set, of a given type and eventyally evin a specific feature with a specific String value.
NgramsC |
Generate skipgrams from the text or lemmatized text of a sentence
NumberOfDependencyRelationsByTypeC |
Count the number of dependency relations eventually by type.
RelativePositionOfFirstMatchOfAnnotationC |
Get the sentence relative position of the first match of a certain annotation
RelativePositionOfFirstMatchOfWordsInListC |
Get the sentence relative position of the first match of the words in the annotation
against a list of words provided by the constructor
RhetoricalClassGetterC |
Get the text of the annotation.
RhetoricalGSGetterC |
Get the GS rhetorical anntoation of the sentence
SectionNumberC |
Get a Double from 0 to 100 that reflects the position of the annotation (central offset ID) with respect to the section the sentence belongs to.
SectionTypeC |
Get the type of the section this sentence is in
SkipgramsC |
Generate skipgrams from the text or lemmatized text of a sentence
StaticLists |
TokenFromDependencyRelationsC |
Generate a string with the following info: DEPrelNAME_FROMlemma_TOlemma
TreeMaxDepthOfDependencyRelationsC |
Count the max depth of the dependency relation tree