CL-ASA is competitive when looking for re-
used texts, regardless if they were manually
or automatically translated. CL-ASA per-
forms better than CL-ESA and CL-CNG,
identified as two of the most appealing mo-
dels for cr oss-language similarity assessment,
when dealing with translations at document
and fragment level (Potthast et al., 2011).
Creation of standard collec tions of docu-
ments for the study and development of pla-
giarism detection. We helped in the creation
of two “sister” corpora with simulated ca-
ses of re-use and plagiarism. The PAN-PC
series look at composing a realistic IR cha-
llenge: it includes thousands of documents,
with thousan ds of plagiarism cases (both ma-
nually and automatically generated) (Pott-
hast et al., 2010). The C L!TR corpus looks
at composing a realistic cross-language cha-
llenge: it contains a few thousand documents,
with hu ndreds of re-use cases (manually ge-
nerated across distant languages) (Barr´on-
Cede˜no et al., 2011). These corpora (particu-
larly th e PAN-PC series) have become a re-
ference in the development of mo dels for pla-
giarism detection, filling an important gap.
Analysis of paraphrase plagiarism and its
detection. The vast majority of models for
text re-use detection are designed to uncover
“cut and paste” cases, as they consid er surfa-
ce information only. These models are unsuc-
cessful when facing p arap hrase plagiarism.
For the first time, we analysed the paraphra-
se phenomena applied when text is plagiari-
sed (Barr´on-Cede˜no et al., 2013 (to appear)).
Our seminal study showed that lexical substi-
tutions are the paraphr ase mechanisms used
the most. Moreover, the paraphrasing tends
to be used to generate a simp lified version of
the re-us ed text. A model intended to suc-
ceed in detecting paraphrase re-use requires
robust text pre-processing and characterisa-
tions: the exp an sion (or contraction) of rela-
ted vocabulary, the normalisation of format-
ting and word forms, and the inclusion of me-
chanisms that model the expected length of
a re-used fragment given its source.
The PAN-PC corpora, created in the fra-
mework of the PAN International Competi-
tion on Plagiarism Detection, are available at
research/corpora.html. The CL!TR corpus, crea-
ted in the framework of the PAN Cross-Language
!ndian Text Reuse challenge, is available at http:
Referen ces
Barr´on-Cede˜no, Alberto, Paolo Rosso, Eneko
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On the Mono- and Cross-Language Detection of Text Re-Use and Plagiarism