All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractDictionary |
ActionLexicon |
AnimacyENUM |
AnnotationPositionInDocumentC |
Get a Double from 0 to 100 that reflects the position of the annotation (central offset ID) with respect to the whole document.
AnnotationPositionInSectionC |
Get a Double from 0 to 100 that reflects the position of the annotation (central offset ID) with respect to the section the sentence belongs to.
AnnotationTextC |
Get the text of the annotation.
AnnotatorAgreementC |
Get the agreement type of the specific kind of annotaiton.
AnnotatorAgreementC.AnnotationTypeENUM |
AppositionSieve |
Co-reference by apposition spotting.
Author |
Author of a paper
AuthorImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Sentence of a document together with its descriptive features.
BabelfyUtil |
Collection of utility methods to access Babelfy Disambiguation service.
BabelnetAnnotator |
This module enrich the textual contents of a paper by applying WSD, by invoking BabelNet
BabelSynsetOcc |
Interface to access a Babelnet synset occurrence mined from the document.
BabelSynsetOccImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
A Babelnet synset occurrence mined from the document.
BaseDocumentElem |
Base class for all document element objects,
including a reference to the DocCacheManager object they are contained in
BiblioEntryParser |
Parse the contents of bibliographic entries by querying Bibsonomy, FreeCite, CrossRef and GoogleScholar
BibsonomyStandaloneConn |
Collection of static methods to retrieve bibliographic entries by Bibsonomy
BibTexWrap |
Extension of class that represent a BibTeX entry
CandidateTermOcc |
Interface to access a candidate term mined from the document.
CandidateTermOccImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
A term mined from the document.
Citation |
Interface to access a citation of a paper
CitationImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
CitationImpl represents a citation of the document
CitationLinker |
Link InlineCitation with the corresponding bibliographic entry
CitationMarker |
Interface to access an citation marker of a paper, that is an inline references to a bibliography citation
CitationMarkerImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
CitationMarkerImpl represents an inline reference to a citation in a paper
CitationSourceENUM |
Type of external Web Service used to gather bibliographic entry metadata
ConceptLexicon |
Const |
Utility in-memory constant
ContainSubjectivityCueC |
Check if the text contains any subjectivity cue
ContainTextInListC |
Match the words in the annotation against a list provided by the constructor and return the number of words of the list matched
ContainWordsInListC |
Match the words in the annotation against a list provided by the constructor and return the number of tokens that matched one word in the list
CorefChainBuilder |
Spot mention of entities and build coreference chains
CrossRefConn |
Collection of static methods to parse bibliographic entries by CrossRef
CrossRefResult |
CrossRef search result - data model
DependencyGraph |
Dependency Graph data structure and methods
DERIV_CITSprevNextSentencesC |
Retrieve if the main verb of the sentence is active or passive
DERIV_ContainTextInList_AL_negC |
Match the words in the annotation against a list provided by the constructor and return the number of words of the list matched
DERIV_PassiveModalTenseC |
Retrieve if the main verb of the sentence is active or passive
DERIV_RelativePositionOfFirstMatchOfAnnotationNominalC |
Get the sentence relative position of the first match of a certain annotation
DERIV_RelativePositionOfFirstMatchOfWordsInListC |
Get the sentence relative position of the first match of the words in the annotation
against a list of words provided by the constructor
DERIV_SentLengthNominalC |
Get the number of intersecting annotations from a given annotation set, of a given type and eventyally evin a specific feature with a specific String value.
DERIV_TFIDFsimilarityC |
Retrieve if the main verb of the sentence is active or passive
DictCollections |
Co-reference mention spotting in-memory dictionaries
DivClassCSSProperties |
Captures some class properties of a div tag
* bottom (y..)
* font-size (fs..)
* font family (ff..)
* height (h..)
* left (x..)
DocCacheManager |
DocGraphTypeENUM |
Types of graph generation approaches
DocParse |
Collection of utility methods extract specific data from document annotations
Document |
DocumentCtx |
Hold sentence-context for rhetorical sentence classification.
DocumentIdentifierC |
Get the name of the document (or a random integer if no name can be retrieved)
DocumentImpl |
DocumentJSON |
DocumentSectionIdentifierC |
Get the id and title of the document section that contains the sentence.
DocumentSectionIdentifierC.SectionTypeENUM |
DocumentSectionPositionC |
Get the order number of the sentence inside the document.
DocumentSectionPositionC.SectionPositionENUM |
DocumentSentenceIdentifierC |
Get the order number of the sentence inside the document (the number 1 is assigned to the first sentence of the abstract).
DRIexception |
Base class for the Exception hierarchy of Dr.
DRIModule |
Interface that every module should implement
DummyItem |
Just a dumb item to test whether or not LexRank actually works.
ExactMatchSieve |
ExampleBibsonomy |
Example of bibliographic entry search by Bibsonomy
ExampleCrossRef |
CrossRef connector example
ExampleFreeCite |
FreeCite connector example
ExampleGoogleScholar |
Google Scholar connector example
ExamplePDFproxyConn |
PDFX connector example
ExamplePDFX |
PDFX connector example
Factory |
Factory class to get the instance of PDFimporter by the interface PDFimporter and
to get instances of new Documents by the interface Document s.
FeatG |
FeatureFilter |
FeatureValueOfFirstFilteredMatchC |
Get a feature value of the feature with name equal to featureName of the first annotation that matches
the filters (name, filterName, filterValue and filterStartsWith) of the annotation
FormulaicExpressionMatcher |
FreeCiteConn |
Collection of static methods to parse bibliographic entries by FreeCite
FreeCiteResult |
FreeCite search result - data model
GateUtil |
Collection of utility methods to interact with GATE documents.
GenderENUM |
GenericDirectedGraph |
Graph interaction methods to interact with directed graphs
GenericDirectedGraphGRPHimpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Generic graph implementation.
GoogleScholarConn |
Utility methods to parse bibliographic entries by Google Scholar
GoogleScholarResult |
Google Scholar search result - data model
GraphToStringENUM |
Types of graph to string serializations
GROBIDloaderImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Implementation of the PDF loading methods of Dr Inventor.
Header |
Interface to access the metadata of the header of the paper.
HeaderAnalyzer |
Analyze the header of a paper to extract authors affiliations and e-mails
HeaderImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
HeaderImpl represents the header of a paper
HyphenWordsDictionary |
ImporterBase |
Base GATE processing resource to build importers from different data sources (PDF, XML schemas, etc.)
ImporterGROBID |
From the XML mark-up generated by GROBID, this processing resource identifies all the textual contents.
ImporterJATS |
From the JATS XML mark-up, this processing resource identifies all the textual contents,
split their sentences by exploiting a customized REGEXP Sentence Splitter of ANNIE and store the
new sentence annotations
ImporterPDFEXT |
From the XML mark-up generated by PDFEXT, this processing resource identifies all the textual contents.
ImporterPDFX |
From the XML mark-up generated by PDFX, this processing resource identifies all the textual contents,
split their sentences by exploiting a customized REGEXP Sentence Splitter of ANNIE
InlineCitationSpotter |
Validate the annotations of CandidateInlineCitation and CandidateInlineCitationMarker by generating the annotations
InlineCitation and InlineCitationMarker
InstanceWeightGetterC |
Get the name of the document (or a random integer if no name can be retrieved)
Institution |
Interface to access the metadata of an institution (university, institute, etc.).
InstitutionImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Institution representing an institution, usually mentioned in the header of the document as the affiliation of the authors
InternalProcessingException |
Exceptions related to some internal data processing issue.
IntersectingAnnotationBooleanCountC |
Get the number of intersecting annotations from a given annotation set, of a given type and if feature name is not null, with a given value for a boolean feature
IntersectingAnnotationStringCountC |
Get the number of intersecting annotations from a given annotation set, of a given type and eventyally evin a specific feature with a specific String value.
IntersectingAnnotationTextC |
Get the text of intersecting annotations (separated by a space) from a given annotation set, of a given type
and eventually in a specific feature with a specific String value.
IntersectingGroupsOfCitationCountC |
Get the number of intersecting annotations from a given annotation set, of a given type and eventyally evin a specific feature with a specific String value.
InvalidParameterException |
Exception related to invalid parameters passed to methods.
JATSloader |
Interface to access the JATS XML importing methods of Dr.
JATSloaderImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Implementation of the JATS loading methods of Dr Inventor.
JSONgenerator |
This class is useful to generate JSON representations / serializations of the core
data stuctures that characterize a scientific document.
LangENUM |
Language of paper text excerpt
LanguageDetector |
Detect language of annotations of set and type defined in the input settings
Levenshtein |
Levenshtein string distance
LexRanker |
An Implementation of the LexRank algorithm described in the paper
"LexRank: Graph-based Centrality as Salience in Text Summarization",
Erkan & Radev '04, with some of our own modifications.
LexRankResults<T> |
A dumb container class that holds results from the LexRank algorithm.
LexRankSummarizer |
LexRank summarizer
MapUtil |
MapValueComparator |
MateParser |
Citation-aware Mate-tools parser (pos tagger, lemmatizer, dep parser and semantic role labeller)
MetaAnnotator |
Refine and unify Meta-annotations (projects, funding agencies, ontologies, etc.) added by the
related GATE Application.
MetaEntityTypeENUM |
Type of meta-entity identified by the meta-entity annotator.
ModuleConfig |
Class to configure how a scientific publication will be processed by the Dr.
NgramsC |
Generate skipgrams from the text or lemmatized text of a sentence
NullPrintStream |
Stream redirection utility
NumberENUM |
NumberOfDependencyRelationsByTypeC |
Count the number of dependency relations eventually by type.
ObjectGenerator |
Generates objects of the library starting from the original GATE document annotations
PDFextConn |
Converting papers in PDF format to XML by means of PDFext (
PDFEXTloaderImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Implementation of the PDF loading methods of Dr Inventor.
PDFEXTparser |
import org.grobid.core.*;
import org.grobid.core.factory.*;
import org.grobid.core.mock.*;
import org.grobid.core.utilities.*;
import org.grobid.core.engines.Engine;
PDFEXTparser.State |
PDFEXTresult |
PDFEXTserver |
import org.grobid.core.*;
import org.grobid.core.factory.*;
import org.grobid.core.mock.*;
import org.grobid.core.utilities.*;
import org.grobid.core.engines.Engine;
PDFextStatic |
PDFloader |
Interface to access the PDF importing methods of Dr.
PDFPaperParser |
Collection of utilities to mine data from PDF documents
PDFproxyConn |
Converting papers in PDF format to XML by means of PDFX (
PDFtoTextConvMethod |
Available types of PDF-to-text converters
PDFXConn |
Converting papers in PDF format to XML by means of PDFX (
PDFXloaderImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Implementation of the PDF loading methods of Dr Inventor.
PersonENUM |
PlainTextLoader |
Interface to access the plain text importing methods of Dr.
PlainTextLoaderImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Implementation of the plain text importing methods of Dr Inventor.
PredicateNominativeSieve |
PriorPolarityENUM |
PronounSieve |
Co-reference by pronoun spotting.
PropertyManager |
Classes to manage the configuration orpoerties of the Dr.
Type of publication ID
RDFparse |
Collection of utility methods to generate an RDF dataset that represents the contents of a document
RegexpMatcher |
RelativePositionOfFirstMatchOfAnnotationC |
Get the sentence relative position of the first match of a certain annotation
RelativePositionOfFirstMatchOfWordsInListC |
Get the sentence relative position of the first match of the words in the annotation
against a list of words provided by the constructor
RelativePronounSieve |
Co-reference by relative pronoun spotting.
RelaxedMatchSieve |
Co-reference by relaxed string match spotting.
ReplaceImage |
Utility class to replace images in PDF files in order to decrease the final size of the same file.
ResourceAccessException |
Exception related to the access of files and resources.
RhetoricalClassENUM |
The set of rhetorical classes that can be assigned to each sentence
RhetoricalClassGetterC |
Get the text of the annotation.
RhetoricalClassifier |
Associate to each sentence a rhetorical class
RhetoricalGSGetterC |
Get the GS rhetorical anntoation of the sentence
RhetoricalGSGetterC.CLASS_TYPE_RHET |
Section |
Section of a paper
SectionImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Sentence of a document together with its descriptive features.
SectionNumberC |
Get a Double from 0 to 100 that reflects the position of the annotation (central offset ID) with respect to the section the sentence belongs to.
SectionTypeC |
Get the type of the section this sentence is in
Sentence |
Interface to access the sentence of a document together with its descriptive features.
SentenceImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Sentence of a document together with its descriptive features.
SentenceJSON |
SentenceSelectorENUM |
The type of sentences to select.
SentGraphTypeENUM |
Types of graph generation approaches
Sieve |
Generic co-reference sieve.
SieveTypeEnum |
Similar<T> |
An interface describing things that can have similarity measures.
SimLangENUM |
List of available languages to compute text similarity.
SkipgramsC |
Generate skipgrams from the text or lemmatized text of a sentence
SourceENUM |
SpanishParser |
SpotlightUtil |
Collection of utility methods to access the DBpedia Spotlight Disambiguation & Entity Linking service.
StaticLists |
StopWordList |
Loader of stop word lists from external files
StopWords |
SubjectivityElem |
SubjectivityReader |
SubjectivityTypeENUM |
Summarizer |
Generic summarizer.
SummaryTypeENUM |
Types of summarization approaches
TermAnnotator |
Annotate sequences of tokens as terms on the basis ofthe following set of
POS sequence patterns that identifies these terms:
[JN]*N <-- Best one
TFIDFVectorWiki |
Utility class to compute TD-IDF vectors from textual excerpts.
TitleSimSummarizer |
Title similarity summarizer
Token |
Interface to access the tokens of a sentence of a document together with their descriptive features.
TokenFilterInterface |
Interface to define custom token filters
TokenFromDependencyRelationsC |
Generate a string with the following info: DEPrelNAME_FROMlemma_TOlemma
TokenImpl |
IMPORTANT: Never instantiate directly this class!
Sentence of a document together with its descriptive features.
TreeMaxDepthOfDependencyRelationsC |
Count the max depth of the dependency relation tree
TripleJSON |
Util |
Util |
Collection of comparison and sotr utility methods.
Util |
Co-reference spotting utilities.
UtilPDFX |
Class including static methods to normalize the XML files generated by PDFX.
WikipediaLemmaPOSfFrequency |
Utility class to retrieve lemma document frequency in Wikipedia.